Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Play with who you start with.....

I just read where the Dodgers just reacquired Greg Maddox from the Padres. I don't care at all about the Dodgers or the Padres but I see this as a symptom of what is wrong with baseball. I think once you leave Spring Training, you should have to play the season with the players you have on your roster or fill you roster from your minor leagues. I don't think that at this time in the season, you should be able to go out and build your team. I also don't think it is fair to the fans for you to be "dumping" your players midseason.

If you've read my blog at all, you'll know I am a Braves fan. I love baseball and I live near Atlanta so following the Braves was kind of a no brainer. I bought tickets for our family to go to a game on September 6th. I did this awhile back. As you probably know, the Braves stink this season. However, I bought the ticket before that was all known. I also bought the ticket thinking I was going to see Tex playing first base. Since then, the Braves traded Tex. Is that fair to me - the fan? I also thought I might see Smoltz, Hudson, or Glavine. I can live with not seeing them, they are all on the disabled list. That's no ones fault. However, I am disappointed not to see Tex -- do you see my point in this.

It would be a totally different game if you couldn't "buy" an upgrade for your team over half way through the season. Let them play with who they start with......